In this article we will discuss about the company registration process in simple way by using a few steps.

Firstly go to website named as if you are already registered on the website then follow below mentioned steps and if you are a new user then firstly register yourself on website and then follow the below mentioned steps:-

1.Check name availability and take its approval:-

After login into the account on MCA portal, go to on MCA services and click on RUN (Reserve Unique Name), after than selct Entity Type and enter two proposed name then click on Auto Check. In the comment section mention about the brief objects of the proposed company then click on submit button.

Point to be noted:-

  • Proposed company name cannot be the same to the existing company or trademarks. So, proposed name should be different from existing companies’ name or registered Trademarks.
  • Two chances are given to the user to submit the name. If you are applying first time for the name of the company in RUN services and found that proposed name is not available then there is one more chance to propose the company name.
  • DSC and DIN does not require using the services of RUN.
  • After approval of the name it is reserved for 20 days from the date of approval.
  1. Documents preparation for registration of the Company:-

After approval of the name, company is required to prepare the following documents:-

  • Affidavit and Declaration (INC-9) of first subscribers and directors (on duly authorized Stamp Papers).
  • DIR-2 declaration of first Directors.
  • Power of attorney in the name of CA/CMA/CS.
  • Proof of office address like rent agreement, lease agreement along with NOC (No objection certificate) from the owner of the property.
  • Copy of utility bill like electricity bill (not older than 2 months).
  • Proof of identity of subscribers like diving licence/passport/voter ID card (Mandatory in case of directors/subscribers does not having valid DIN).
  • Proof of residence of subscribers like latest bank statement/mobile bill/telephone bill/electricity bill (Mandatory in case of directors/subscribers does not having valid DIN).
  • PAN and Aadhaar card of the first subscribers and directors in case of not having valid DIN number.
  1. Download the following Form from MCA Portal:-

Go to MCA Service and then click on company form download

  • SPICe (INC-32)
  • SPICe MOA (INC-33)
  • SPICe AOA (INC-34)
  1. SPICe (INC-32) (Specified Performa for Incorporation of Company electronically) feature:-
  • Enter the SRN in case of RUN service used to get the proposed name. You can directly apply for the proposed name of the company by using this SPICe (INC-32) Form.
  • Click on pre-fill
  • Select type of company e.g. New Company, Producer Company, section 8 company etc.
  • Select Class of the company e.g. Public/Private/One person company
  • Select category of the company e.g. Company limited by Shares/Guarantee or Unlimited Company.
  • Select Sub category of the company e.g. Government or Non Government Company etc.
  • Select Company having share capital or not
  • Enter the code of Main division of industrial activity of the company.
  • Enter the capital structure of the company e.g. authorized share capital, subscribe and paid up capital for Equity and preference share (If the company is having share capital).
  • Enter the Company correspondence address
  • Select the Name of the office of the Registrar of Companies in which the proposed company is to be registered
  • Stamp duty detail-Click on pre-fill button it automatically update the stamp duty value.
  • Enter AO (area code) Code for PAN allotment and TAN allotment
  • Select source of income e.g. income from business/profession etc.
  • Attach the documents which are prepared as mentioned in step 2.
  • Fill the Declaration form by the authorized person (Authorized person means a person who’s named in the articles as a director of the company has been duly authorized by the promoters of the company).
  • Also Declaration and certification given by the professional.
  • Professional persons can be a Chartered Accountant (whole time in practice) or Cost Accountant (whole time in practice) or Company Secretary (Whole time in practice) or Advocate.
  • Then click on Check form.
  • Now attach the DSC of the applicant and Professional person.
  • Then at last click on prescrutiny button.
  1. SPICe MOA (Form INC-33) feature:-
  • Enter the SRN of RUN then click on pre-fill button.
  • Select the appropriate table applicable to company as notified under schedule I of the companies Act, 2013:-
  • Table A- MOA of a company limited by shares
  • Table B- MOA of a Company limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital
  • Table C- MOA of a company limited by Guarantee and having a share capital
  • Table D- MOA of an Unlimited company and not having share capital
  • Table E- MOA of an Unlimited company and having share capital
  • Enter the main object of the company for which purpose it is going to be registered.
  • Enter the matters which are necessary for furtherance of the main objects.
  • Enter the detail of share capital of the company divided into number of shares.
  • Enter the Subscriber Details like Name, address, description and occupation, DIN/PAN/Passport Number, number of shares taken, DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
  • Enter the witness detail like Name, address, description and occupation, DIN/PAN/Passport Number/Membership number , DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
  • At last click Check form button.
  1. SPICe AOA (Form INC-34) feature:-
  • Enter the SRN of RUN then click on pre-fill button.
  • Select the appropriate table applicable to company as notified under schedule I of the companies Act, 2013:-
  • Table F- AOA of a company limited by shares.
  • Table G- AOA of a Company limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital
  • Table H- AOA of a company limited by Guarantee and having a share capital
  • Table I- AOA of an Unlimited company and not having share capital
  • Table J- AOA of an Unlimited company and having share capital
  • Enter the Subscriber Details like Name, address, description and occupation, DIN/PAN/Passport Number, number of shares taken, DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
  • Enter the witness detail like Name, address, description and occupation, DIN/PAN/Passport Number/Membership number , DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
  • At last click Check form button.
  1. Form AGILE (Application for Goods and service tax identification number, employee state Insurance corporation registraion pLus Employees provident fund organisation regsitration) feature:-
  • This AGILE form is part of Spice form for GSTIN/EPFO/ESIC.
  • This form is used for registration under GST/EPFO/ESIC.
  1. After fill the all forms like SPICe (INC-32), SPICe MOA (INC-33), SPICe AOA (INC_34) and AGILE then it is requored to upload the form on MCA portal by login into account.